Consortium Meeting of the R&DT Better Plastics: Plastics in a Circular Economy Mobilizing Project
It took place on 27th September 2022, at ETSG - IPL, in Leiria, the meeting of the Consortium of the R&DT Better Plastics - Plastics in a Circular Economy which includes 25 entities, including companies, education and scientific research entities and associations), in which the results up to date of each PPS were presented:
PPS 1 - Circularity of Design Material
PPS 2 - Product Design Circularity
PPS 3 - Circularity through Recycling
PPS 4 - Circularity for Alternative Raw Materials
PPS 5 - Project Coordination, Promotion, Dissemination and Valuation of Results
This mobilizing project constitutes a true innovation ecossystem and aims to leverage the transition from the plastics sector to a circular economy.