Circularity by Recycling

Development of pre-treatment systems to remove organic contaminants, paints and odours to increase the quality of plastics sorted for mechanical recycling;
Development of new raw materials through mechanical recycling of highly contaminated materials;
Development of chemical and thermochemical recycling solutions for high purity raw materials and contact with food.
ou Processes
CO2 Cleaning: Evaluate the decontamination/washing of polymeric materials with supercritical CO2;
Paintout: Removal of inks applied by pad printing or flexography;
Biorecycling: Add value to non-compliant material processed in this way;
Flakes 2 Preforms: Direct incorporation of PET flakes in the film extrusion/injection process, eliminating the pelletisation step;
PE R-film: Direct incorporation of PE flakes, clean of paints and contaminants, in the film extrusion/injection process, eliminating the pelletisation step;
NewPP: Add value to PP waste for the injection of technical components, or its functionalisation as a filament for additive manufacturing;
Coffee Cup: Demonstrate the feasibility of a circular solution, with the coffee cup and spoon as central elements, both in PS;
Yogurt: Add value to waste for multi-layer production through a middle layer of recycled material, which allows for integration with FFS solutions in line with film production or with off line FFS solutions for the food sector.