Plastics in a circular economy

Commitment to nature


Workshop | Circularity by Recycling

The opening session was attended by Carlos Capela, Director of ESTG/IPL, Amaro Reis, President of APIP, and Bruno Pereira da Silva from PIEP - Innovation in Polymer Engineering, the Scientific Coordinator of the Better Plastics: Plastics in a Circular Economy Project.

The framework of this PPS was presented by Luis Felipe de Sousa da Silva, Research & Development Manager of SIRPLASTE - Sociedade Industrial de Recuperados de Plástico, S.A, the leading company in the consortium.

This was followed by presentations on the work carried out within this PPS and their respective results, given by the professors from ESTG/IPL, Joel Vasco, the scientific leader of the consortium, Marcelo Calvete Gaspar, Lizete Heleno, and Nelson Oliveira.

The workshop concluded with a demonstration of the Paint Out pilot project.